post ni bertarikh 13 December sbb ade mslh teknikal..jd lmbt sket..hehhe..
huahuahauaa...pnat je dok glak ngan dak2 ni semalam...(semalam = 12 December 2010)
sape "dak2 ni" tu???hehhee...geng2 gurls Smachian 0307..smalam kitorg wat sum reUNITE sambil2 smbut BESARday of budak baru nk masok 20...(org len sume dah nk masok 21...dia bru masok 20...loading nyer budak...hehhehee...)
--> sape yg join..??? em,,ni la sume yg join...
(adess...xleh nk uplod la pulak..nnt2 la cik olip uplod k..heheheee..)
--> sape nyer besar day??? ha..orangnye...
uhuhuhuu..byk gak stesen2 kitorg wat pit stop...erkk..bkn2...snap stop...hahaha...
1st stop : KEPSI
emm,,,dak2 ni,,sampai2 je..tros tuju tmpt mkn..hahhaa...(tp cik olip g lewat...smpai2 dorg dh abes mkn..ehhehe... :P)
pe yg penting..snap2 pics lu kt ctu..hhehee..kt mne??? KEPSI d KB mol...ngehehe...
pic paling chumil..???
---> ni haaaa...
2nd stop : KRUSI URUT depan bowling
ngehehee...sempat ag,,kn???tp kitorg xberurut pon..ehh,,,ade2...sape kate xde...
sape??macik ni haaa....ish,,lupe lak nk snap pic dia dok syiok layan kusi urut tu..hahhaa...tarok pic dia pon jadi...hehhehee...
---> ni lah bliao...
3rd stop : *tuilet* -versi berbisik..hehehe..-
hehehe...alaa..mne de dok mekap2...kitorg hamek air smayang laaa...xcaye..tgok la next stop...
---> xde pics..weweekk :P
4th stop : PRAYER room at 3rd floor
solat Zuhur dulu...sonok2 pon...ibadat jgn lupe,beb... ^__^
---> pon xde pics...mne leyh tunjuk2.. :P
5th stop : BOWLING time!!!!
hehehee...da most faveret time...hehhee...hepi seyh..bkn sbb men sbb suasana kt ctu...
ngukngek je sume..hahhahaa...plg tukar2 nme bowlers...
---> tp kitorg bkn saje2 tukar...tukar ikot kos yg kitorg amek kt U je...hehhe..
> Cik Olip : Akitek ( op kos laa..hehhee..amin2.. )
> Cik Na : Enjin ( haahaha..yg ni..asal tibe turn dia je..kompom wat bunyi enjin..hahaha... )
> Cik Yen : Mula2 tu wat dia ni sbg CkguFzk...pastu idea dtg kt kpla hotak Cik tukar jadik CkguBob ( hahahhaa...mcm2 hal,,kn?? )
> Cik Aten : Misi ( kekekkee...mcm siot...nme dia la yg mmg plg awal skali kne tukar..hahhaa.. )
> Cik Chiq : Coach ( ehehe...basketbol op kos... )
> Cik Jaa : SnsCom ( hohooo...komputer upenye dia ni..ingtkn org..kekeke..lawak je.. :P )
xcaye ke??ni haa...naseb bek snap pic leh wt bukti..hahaha...(abaikan markah2 kami,,ok..hahaha..)
6th stop : KUSI REHAT kt tgh2 mall
hehehhe...pon sempat???lntak laa..hehhee...
ye ah..drpd dok saje2 je tggu macik Jaa ngn macik Ros bli brg2 tok lappy dorg...bek kitorg rehat kt kusi...
tp,,rehat bkn skdar rehat MUSTI snap,,beb...hahaha...
---> ini dia....weeee...*mood hepi*
7th stop : FUD KORT ke bnde la cik olip tulis ni kn??hahaha..bia ah...xpaham lg bagos...wakakaka...
last stop of da day...tyme utk selebret BESARday of Cik Jaa....ehheheh..
~~~ epi besdei tu yuuuuu....epi besdei tu yuuuu...epi besdei tu NAJAA....epi besdei tu yuuuuuu.... ~~~
hehehhee...sempat ag cik olip cik olip sorg nyanyi au...sume dok nyanyi same..hehhee...terharu siot bliao...nanges2...hehehe..
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